Manual Therapy
There are various concepts on Manual Therapy terrain. All of them are used in different permutations and combinations for different treatments. If a manual therapist wants to give the most effective treatment to their patient, he should know the different school of thoughts, as combined application will give the most benefit.We often confuse which school of thought to use when, so we empower the participant about the combination of applying different techniques in manual therapy. You can read more about it in our health blog.
Course content Spinal Module
Surface Anatomy
Arthrokinematics & Osteokinematic of Spine
Red Flags in Spinal Manual Therapy
Introduction of different school of thoughts (Mulligan, McKenzie, Maitland, Kaltenborne)
Complete assessment of Spine
Hands on technique
Application of different techniques SI Joint
Application of DN and Taping in Spinal Muscles
How to read X-Ray, CT, MRI of Spine
Decision making - which manual therapy to apply when
Course content for Peripheral Module
Brief review about Anatomy & Biomechanics
Clinical reasoning of Peripheralization and how to rule out
Shoulder Joint
Elbow Joint
Wrist and Fingers
Hip Joint
Knee Joint
Ankle Joint