What is NeuroMuscular Stabilization?
Neuromuscular Stabilization or Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), is like a rehabilitation program that is developed by the nervous system during the first critical years of life and is majorly responsible for controlling human gait, posture, and movement.
This technique was originally developed in Prague, and the intention was to treat neurologically ill or delayed children and the pain and dysfunction in adults which comes with age. This involves movements supporting the joints to become functionally more aligned and operate correctly.
Because when any of the muscles becomes dysfunctional, then the whole stabilizing system gets disturbed and the movement quality gets compromised which can potentially lead to severe injuries.
When we are young, our body works in proper perfect joint stabilization and synergy which helps in achieving a perfect movement. But, as we get older, various things come into the picture and hinder the synergy and don’t allow us to move with perfection.

More about Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS):-
The exercises in the DNS are derived from the movements of the young child like creeping, crawling, rolling, and comprise the utilization of various equipment like stretchable bands and fitness balls.
You can also say these exercises as Phase - 1 period.
The movements that a baby performs are the most efficient and correct because they are neurologically programmed in their nervous system.
And as we age and grow up, because of the never-ending demands of modern society, we begin to move and act in a way that is not perfect.
But the best thing is that with practice, one can learn these proper movement patterns again, and can become natural.
And the next phase, i.e- 2nd phase involves more progressive exercises, such as standing, kneeling, tripod stances, etc.
And the best thing about it is that every person, no matter what their age or gender, can attempt this.
And even when you are in the process of doing the exercises, if you want then you can also take support from the experts who can help rectify the movement patterns and train the mind for doing it correctly until and unless it becomes autopilot or automatic mode.

How is Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) implemented?
DNS works on the Developmental Kinesiology principles of motor control and ontogenesis.
The very first step involves a comprehensive audit or a comparison of the patient’s stabilising pattern with a healthy baby’s stabilising pattern, and the ideal stabilisation pattern is decided.
And after this phase - whatever the ideal stabilisation pattern is decided, it is then trained with only targeted functional exercises, which works and improves the patient’s integrated stabilising system.
In simple words, patients are given exercises to train and teach the body how to make proper and correct movements. The main goal here is to foster the brain to regain stability with challenging movements and to do it until the movement becomes unconscious and normal. You can also consider talking about this with your physical therapist.
What conditions can be treated through DNS -
In the following conditions, DNS can help -
Meniscus tears.
Ankle sprains.
Plantar fasciitis.
Tennis/golfer's elbow.
Rotator cuff syndrome.
Labrum tears.
Disc herniations.
Low back pain.
Core weakness/instability.
Winging scapula.
Knocked knees.
Toe walking.
Hamstring sprains.
Lower back pain.

Should I try DNS?
Yes, DNS benefits all kinds of patients. You should try DNS if you:-
Are suffering from any chronic neurological diseases?
If you have intervertebral disc prolapse.
If you are in your old age or weak or elderly and want to recover the stability of the body.
If you are a pro-level athlete or even an amateur who wants his/her body to perform optimally and in the best condition possible.
If you want to enhance the overall stability of the spine and foster balance.
A DNS session lasts for 30 minutes, and the exercises are decided based on individual needs, problems, and strengths.
One will also get exercises to perform and practice at home. So it's better to Come prepared to progress, battle, learn and perspire. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) is something everyone should try.
The ideal movement pattern helps one stay out of pain while also maximizing the efficiency of the movements, which not only lessens the risk of injuries but also improves overall performance.

Not sure about your illness? Contact us now.
Physiotherapists at the fit o fine clinic use cutting-edge advanced practices that include but are not limited to the use of massages, movements, and exercises.